Developer Notes

Manually Configuring Account Settings


If you are not a system administrator and looking for how to configure the Grindflow Endicia Cloud module, please first enable theEndicia UI module and visit this page(link is external) for details on configuring your module. This page is intended for technical users who have intentionally disabled Endicia UI and want to adjust the Grindflow Endicia Cloud services manually.



The table delow details the supported variable names and their values.

Variable Name Type Description Example Values
endicia_account_id Integer The 9-digit Endicia account ID 123456798
endicia_passphrase String The plaintext Endicia account password pas$word123
endicia_gf_auth_token String The unique authorization token for your account. Retrievable from your profile(link is external). e421c7be-4d55-4bde-ba81-76061dd59816
endicia_test_mode Boolean (Integer) Connects to the test label servers, transactions will not honored 0, 1
endicia_debug_mode Boolean (Integer) Enables debugging and verbose logging. WARNING: Enabling this feature may cause sensitive information to be stored in the site logs 0, 1
endicia_label_lifetime Integer Time, in seconds, to preserve label images on the filesystem (0=never delete) 0, 86400, 1209600
endicia_message_last_time Integer Controls the display new partner messages. Set to -1 to disable partner messages 0, -1


Configuring settings with Drush

  1. Open new terminal prompt
  2. Change directory to your site folder (cd /path/to/site)
  3. Execute, replacing bold values as nescessary: drush variable-set option-name desired-value

 Note: this method assumes that you already have a functional installation of drush. For more details on Drush and how to install it, visit its project page(link is external).


Configuring Settings directly with SQL (e.g. PhpMyAdmin)

  1. Determine your database prefix, if applicable
  2. Open a session with SQL server, either via a SQL shell prompt, PhpMyAdmin or other SQL management tool
  3. Execute, replacing bold values as nescessary: UPDATE prefixva riable SET value = desired_value WHERE name = option_name;
    • It is possible that your site does not have a table prefix. In such cases, the SQL command is simply: UPDATE variable SET value = desired_value WHERE name = ‘option_name‘;
    • If the desired_value is a string value, it needs to be quoted: UPDATE prefixvariable SET value = ‘desired_value’ WHERE name = ‘option_name‘;